He May be Here Already!! Elvis'Ghost Coming to Joliet?? Let's first clear the air about something. There are people that think that Elvis is still alive and hiding somewhere. ichtings supposedly took place in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Numerous people claim that they have seen California. He is also reported to have broken his leg in a motorcycle into hiding. He is not in an amusement park holed up in a third LAST DAY TODAY! 837 times from July, 1969 to Dec The balcony was sometimes closed when Wayne Neworpe One night when Newton was performing, Wayne saw Elvis' ghost in the closed Darcony Newton thought that Elvis looked happy so he must have appreciated the performance. to do with Joliet. Plenty. Elvis loved gold. He displayed his many gold records. He had to them. He even had a specially made solid gold lame' suit. Secure Community Bank of Joliet Produced by the United $233es Met Annual April Sale of American Eagle Gold Coins You can buy 1 oz. and 1/4 oz. On Sale 10am - Noon! Saturdays: 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 Call after 9:30 on date of sale for information (815) 230-8000 Joliet Location Only! And bring your co HURRY! st FIRST SECURE COMMUNITY BANK OF JOLIET We're not just your bank, we're your neighbor! OFFER ENDS TUESDAY, 4/30! Joliet's Locally-Owned and Locally-Managed Billion Dollar Community Bank 2398 Essington Rd (Corner of Essington and Caton Farm Rd) (815) 230-8000 Visit 1stsecurebank.com MEMBER EQUAL FDIC LENDER 5.00% Now and Later 7 Month Add On CD Now: Open with $1000 to $50,000 Later: Add a one time deposit at any time up to $50,000 during the term of the CD Offered through April 30th ONLY. Limit one CD per household. $1000 minimum to open "Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of 4/8/24. APY and terms are subject to change at any time and without notice. Minimum balance to open and receive stated APY is $1000 and maximum deposit is $50,000. Customers may also make a one-time deposit of up to $50,000 during the term of the CD. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal. An early withdrawal penalty may reduce earnings. One CD per household. CDs will rollover at maturity to the them current rate, if not redeemed at maturity, as follows: the 7 month CD will rollover to a 6 month CD. He May be Here Already !! Elvis'Ghost Coming to Joliet ?? Let's first clear the air about something . There are people that think that Elvis is still alive and hiding somewhere . ichtings supposedly took place in Kalamazoo , Michigan . Numerous people claim that they have seen California . He is also reported to have broken his leg in a motorcycle into hiding . He is not in an amusement park holed up in a third LAST DAY TODAY ! 837 times from July , 1969 to Dec The balcony was sometimes closed when Wayne Neworpe One night when Newton was performing , Wayne saw Elvis ' ghost in the closed Darcony Newton thought that Elvis looked happy so he must have appreciated the performance . to do with Joliet . Plenty . Elvis loved gold . He displayed his many gold records . He had to them . He even had a specially made solid gold lame ' suit . Secure Community Bank of Joliet Produced by the United $ 233es Met Annual April Sale of American Eagle Gold Coins You can buy 1 oz . and 1/4 oz . On Sale 10am - Noon ! Saturdays : 4/6 , 4/13 , 4/20 , 4/27 Call after 9:30 on date of sale for information ( 815 ) 230-8000 Joliet Location Only ! And bring your co HURRY ! st FIRST SECURE COMMUNITY BANK OF JOLIET We're not just your bank , we're your neighbor ! OFFER ENDS TUESDAY , 4/30 ! Joliet's Locally - Owned and Locally - Managed Billion Dollar Community Bank 2398 Essington Rd ( Corner of Essington and Caton Farm Rd ) ( 815 ) 230-8000 Visit 1stsecurebank.com MEMBER EQUAL FDIC LENDER 5.00 % Now and Later 7 Month Add On CD Now : Open with $ 1000 to $ 50,000 Later : Add a one time deposit at any time up to $ 50,000 during the term of the CD Offered through April 30th ONLY . Limit one CD per household . $ 1000 minimum to open " Annual Percentage Yield ( APY ) effective as of 4/8/24 . APY and terms are subject to change at any time and without notice . Minimum balance to open and receive stated APY is $ 1000 and maximum deposit is $ 50,000 . Customers may also make a one - time deposit of up to $ 50,000 during the term of the CD . Substantial penalty for early withdrawal . An early withdrawal penalty may reduce earnings . One CD per household . CDs will rollover at maturity to the them current rate , if not redeemed at maturity , as follows : the 7 month CD will rollover to a 6 month CD .