Flexibility for you or your business with our Money Market Account. Access your funds like a checking account, but earn interest like a savings account. APY* 0.80% 0.40%AP $25,000+ $.01 - $24,999.99 minimum daily balance mimimum daily balance Apply In-Person or Online at Midlandsb.com/open-online Interested in other promotions? Contact us about our CD Special & Home Equity Line of Credit Special OPEN Midland O 855-696-4352 midlandsb.com States Bank *Annual percentage yields (APY) are accurate as of 5/11/2022. Money Market special APYS are 0.40% APY for balances of $.01-$24,999.9 and 0.80% APY for balances of $25,000+. Money Markets are paid with interest beginning to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of the noncash items (for example, checks.) Minimum balance to open a Money Market Account is $2,500 and the minimum daily balance to obtain the disclosed APY is $2,500. Fees could reduce earnings. Your interest rate may change at any time and without notice. This offer may end at any time and without notice. Public Funds and Financial Institutions are excluded. Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC. Flexibility for you or your business with our Money Market Account . Access your funds like a checking account , but earn interest like a savings account . APY * 0.80 % 0.40 % AP $ 25,000 + $ .01 - $ 24,999.99 minimum daily balance mimimum daily balance Apply In - Person or Online at Midlandsb.com/open-online Interested in other promotions ? Contact us about our CD Special & Home Equity Line of Credit Special OPEN Midland O 855-696-4352 midlandsb.com States Bank * Annual percentage yields ( APY ) are accurate as of 5/11/2022 . Money Market special APYS are 0.40 % APY for balances of $ .01- $ 24,999.9 and 0.80 % APY for balances of $ 25,000 + . Money Markets are paid with interest beginning to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of the noncash items ( for example , checks . ) Minimum balance to open a Money Market Account is $ 2,500 and the minimum daily balance to obtain the disclosed APY is $ 2,500 . Fees could reduce earnings . Your interest rate may change at any time and without notice . This offer may end at any time and without notice . Public Funds and Financial Institutions are excluded . Equal Housing Lender . Member FDIC .