IS BACK! Every Tuesday! First Game at 6:45 p.m. Doors Open at 4:30 No food available. Seating is limited! First come first served. Qen of Hearts Raffle, No reservations. drawing held during bingo break No saving seats. Mask and temperature check before admitting. $5,300 JAC! K OF C Knights of Columbus Joliet Council Open to the Public 100 S. 129TH INFANTRY DR. (815) 725-0746 No. 382 SM-CL 1801902 IS BACK! Every Tuesday! First Game at 6:45 p.m. Doors Open at 4:30 No food available. Seating is limited! First come first served. Qen of Hearts Raffle, No reservations. drawing held during bingo break No saving seats. Mask and temperature check before admitting. $5,300 JAC! K OF C Knights of Columbus Joliet Council Open to the Public 100 S. 129TH INFANTRY DR. (815) 725-0746 No. 382 SM-CL 1801902