Giant Killer Mushrooms Mushroom Fungus Will Wipe Out Humanity!! You have been warned You ve heard of poison mushrooms. I am sure that you are familiar with the Amanita Phalloides variety. They look like many other small mushrooms. They are white in color. Grow in forests. And contain Amanitin, a poison that attacks the liver and kidneys. They are called Death Caps. That's because they can bring an unhappy ending to the person who consumes them. When the Romans wanted to get rid of Emperor Claudius in 54 A.D., they gave him a meal of death caps. And it worked. Same thing for the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI in 1740. Someone wanted to off him. Symptoms in 6 hours. Gone in 48 hours. And don t forget about Galerina Marginata, Coprinus Atramentarius and Cortinarius Rubellus shrooms. Also poisonous. You eat. You kaput. Think about this the next time that you order a meal in a restaurant and the entrée has mushrooms on it. But you have a choice of whether you eat earth grown mushrooms or not. However, if massive mushrooms come to earth from outer space, you may not have a choice. A mushroom is a fungus. It has spores. It can spread its fungus spores through the air. They are so small that you can inhale them, swallow them or they can just get on your skin. There can be a fungus amongus and we won t even know until it s too late. These giant shrooms are from another planet and are on their way to earth as you read this. The only thing that we don t know is when they will arrive. A very few of the people reading this may think that the author has been eating magic mushrooms. They are the ones that make you feel kinda weird and you see things like pink elephants flying around. No, that's not the case. This information came from a rock solid source. It came from Sammy Rawlinson, a/k/a the New Nostradamus. She lives in England and it is said that she accurately predicted deadly train crashes, volcanic eruptions and the rise of Donald Trump. So there you have it, an indisputable source for an unquestionable fact. So how about between now and shroom time. You still need a place to do your banking. You need a bank that will treat you like a person, not a number. A bank where decisions are made locally, not hundreds of miles away. A locally owned bank that cares about the community that we all live in. You need a community bank. And there is a REAL community bank in Joliet. The First Secure Community Bank of Joliet. We II treat you as a person and take care of your banking needs as a friend. Come and see us. We re waiting for you. UNITED STATE FINE GOLD OF AMERICA 40 DOLLA Produced by the United States Mint Annual April Sale of American Eagle Gold Coins You can buy 1 oz. and 1/4 oz. On Sale 10am - Noon! Saturdays: 4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26 Call after 9:30 on date of sale for information - (815) 230-8000 Joliet Location Only! 4.00% 3.50% 13 Month CD 7 Month CD $1000 minimum to open. 11] st FIRST SECURE COMMUNITY BANK OF JOLIET We're not just your bank, we're your neighbor! Joliet s Locally-Owned and Locally-Managed Billion Dollar Community Bank 2398 Essington Rd (Corner of Essington and Caton Farm Rd) (815) 230-8000 Visit MEMBER FDIC EQUAL HOUSING LENDER 2.24% SAVINGS ACCOUNT RATE GUARANTEED THROUGH JUNE 30, 2025. $100 minimum. No maximum. 1 - Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of 3/12/25. APY and terms are subject to change at any time and without notice. Minimum balance to open and receive stated APY is $1000. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal. An early withdrawal penalty may reduce earnings. Maximum per household $500,000. CDs will rollover at maturity to the then current rate, if not redeemed at maturity, as follows: the 7 month CD will rollover to a 6 month CD and the 13 month CD will rollover to a 12 month CD. 2 - Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of 1/1/24. Minimum Balance to open is $100.00. Fees may reduce earnings. Rate will not decrease through 6/30/25. After guaranteed date the rate will be a variable rate and is subject to change at any time and without notice. Giant Killer Mushrooms Mushroom Fungus Will Wipe Out Humanity !! You have been warned You ve heard of poison mushrooms . I am sure that you are familiar with the Amanita Phalloides variety . They look like many other small mushrooms . They are white in color . Grow in forests . And contain Amanitin , a poison that attacks the liver and kidneys . They are called Death Caps . That's because they can bring an unhappy ending to the person who consumes them . When the Romans wanted to get rid of Emperor Claudius in 54 A.D. , they gave him a meal of death caps . And it worked . Same thing for the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI in 1740. Someone wanted to off him . Symptoms in 6 hours . Gone in 48 hours . And don t forget about Galerina Marginata , Coprinus Atramentarius and Cortinarius Rubellus shrooms . Also poisonous . You eat . You kaput . Think about this the next time that you order a meal in a restaurant and the entrée has mushrooms on it . But you have a choice of whether you eat earth grown mushrooms or not . However , if massive mushrooms come to earth from outer space , you may not have a choice . A mushroom is a fungus . It has spores . It can spread its fungus spores through the air . They are so small that you can inhale them , swallow them or they can just get on your skin . There can be a fungus amongus and we won t even know until it s too late . These giant shrooms are from another planet and are on their way to earth as you read this . The only thing that we don t know is when they will arrive . A very few of the people reading this may think that the author has been eating magic mushrooms . They are the ones that make you feel kinda weird and you see things like pink elephants flying around . No , that's not the case . This information came from a rock solid source . It came from Sammy Rawlinson , a / k / a the New Nostradamus . She lives in England and it is said that she accurately predicted deadly train crashes , volcanic eruptions and the rise of Donald Trump . So there you have it , an indisputable source for an unquestionable fact . So how about between now and shroom time . You still need a place to do your banking . You need a bank that will treat you like a person , not a number . A bank where decisions are made locally , not hundreds of miles away . A locally owned bank that cares about the community that we all live in . You need a community bank . And there is a REAL community bank in Joliet . The First Secure Community Bank of Joliet . We II treat you as a person and take care of your banking needs as a friend . Come and see us . We re waiting for you . UNITED STATE FINE GOLD OF AMERICA 40 DOLLA Produced by the United States Mint Annual April Sale of American Eagle Gold Coins You can buy 1 oz . and 1/4 oz . On Sale 10am - Noon ! Saturdays : 4/5 , 4/12 , 4/19 , 4/26 Call after 9:30 on date of sale for information - ( 815 ) 230-8000 Joliet Location Only ! 4.00 % 3.50 % 13 Month CD 7 Month CD $ 1000 minimum to open . 11 ] st FIRST SECURE COMMUNITY BANK OF JOLIET We're not just your bank , we're your neighbor ! Joliet s Locally - Owned and Locally - Managed Billion Dollar Community Bank 2398 Essington Rd ( Corner of Essington and Caton Farm Rd ) ( 815 ) 230-8000 Visit MEMBER FDIC EQUAL HOUSING LENDER 2.24 % SAVINGS ACCOUNT RATE GUARANTEED THROUGH JUNE 30 , 2025 . $ 100 minimum . No maximum . 1 - Annual Percentage Yield ( APY ) effective as of 3/12/25 . APY and terms are subject to change at any time and without notice . Minimum balance to open and receive stated APY is $ 1000 . Substantial penalty for early withdrawal . An early withdrawal penalty may reduce earnings . Maximum per household $ 500,000 . CDs will rollover at maturity to the then current rate , if not redeemed at maturity , as follows : the 7 month CD will rollover to a 6 month CD and the 13 month CD will rollover to a 12 month CD . 2 - Annual Percentage Yield ( APY ) effective as of 1/1/24 . Minimum Balance to open is $ 100.00 . Fees may reduce earnings . Rate will not decrease through 6/30/25 . After guaranteed date the rate will be a variable rate and is subject to change at any time and without notice .