
GROWING FAITH, FRIENDSHIPS & FAMILIES IN CHRIST To bring people Hope, Healing, and New Life through Jesus Christ. Our Savior Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod which is an international church body and the second largest Lutheran group in the United States. It consists of more than 6000 congregations with mission stations in over 30 countries around the world. We believe: http://catechism.cph.org/en/index.html# We Are a Word and Sacrament Church. We believe that the entire Bible is the Word of God, given by inspiration through the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Bible is the only source of our teachings and the norm for our life and practice. (2 Peter 1:20-21) We also believe that Baptism and Holy Communion, as well as the Word of the Gospel, are the means by which the Spirit of God comes to people to create and nourish faith. (Titus 3:5; Matthew 26:26-28) We Are a Gospel-Centered Church. We believe that the worship of God is central to all that we do together as a body of believers. It is God’s desire that we enter into His presence with a sense of awe and praise in response to His grace and to share intimacy with Him through His Word and Sacrament. Our worship of God is to be genuine, from the heart, and not simply going through empty motions. In worship we fellowship with God, with one another, and are built up and strengthened in our faith. (Hebrews 10:25-26) We Are a Caring Church. We care about the whole person spiritually, emotionally and physically. Through our various care ministries we seek to lift up, enrich, encourage, support, and strengthen the lives of those both within and outside our congregation. (Galatians 6:2) We Are a Spiritual Growth Church. We offer opportunities for Christian Growth and Education for all ages. To that end we maintain a high quality Pre-School, Sunday School, and a wide variety of Bible Studies for youth and adults. Our ministry is concerned not simply with equipping people with a number of Bible facts, but to facilitate the spiritual transformation of people lives. Our goal is not to simply make people members of a church, but to make disciples of Christ. (2 Peter 3:18; Matthew 28:18-20) A Mission-Minded Church. We believe that in God’s plan “The church is not the mission, rather it has been established by God to accomplish the mission!” To that end we believe that every Christian should be actively involved in serving the Lord and living for Him in every aspect of their lives. We teach that every believer has been gifted by the Holy Spirit with certain gifts and abilities and that they are to use those gifts in order to bring the love of Christ to people in tangible ways. (1 Peter 4:10-11)

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